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大家好,我是来自内蒙古乌海市乌达区幸福街小学的老师王如。我今天的说课内容是人教 p 一 p 版小学英语五年级上册unit。

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four what can you do。

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part b lets talk。

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今天我将从这 8 个方面进行说课。首先我们来看教材分析。本单元的主题是文娱活动,该主题属于人与自我范畴,涉及学习与生活和自信、乐观、跃纳自我。所教学的是本单元的第四课时,在前面的课时中,已经教授了 do some comfort 等 5 个文娱类动词短语,以及。

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what can you do i can。

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巴拉等功能句型。本课时是在此基础上学习一般疑问句式 can you 巴拉及其肯定和否定回答,对话篇幅较短,主句型清晰明确,便于学生学习和掌握。我们来看学情分析。首先来看学生已知的有在第二单元和本单元 a 部分的学习中,积累了一定的动词短语,在三、四年级已经接触过can、i、 b 的句型,这些已有的语言知识储备可以为本课时的学习提供语言支撑,有利于核心句型的迁移。学生想知的是,通过本课式学习,能够运用英语更好地了解同学朋友的生活、学习情况,学会更多与本单元主题相关的词汇。学生的情感则体现在本单人主题,贴近学生生活实际,他们对功夫、唱歌、跳舞等活动充满了极大兴趣,一定会乐于参与话题的讨论与表达。教学目标。核心素养是课程育人价值的集中体现,是学生通过课程学习逐步形成的适应个人终身发展和社会发展需要的正确价值观、必备品格和关键能力。 2022 年版义务教育英语课程标准中明确指出,培养学生的核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等方面。语言能力是核心素养的基础要素,文化意识体现核心素养的价值取向、思维品质反性核,反映核心素养的心智特征。学习能力是核心素养发展的关键要素。核心素养的四个方面互相渗透、融合互动、协同发展。

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接下来我就从这 4 个方面阐述本节课的教学目标。首先我们来看语言能力目标,学生能够理解对话大意,能够按照正确的语音语调及一群朗读对话,能够在情境中运用句型, can you Bla yes, i can no i cant,询问对方能否做什么并回答。文化意识目标,引导学生了解琵琶、二胡、武术等有关中国特色的传统文化,培养良好的兴趣爱好,积极参与文娱活动,丰富课余生活,树立文化自信,树立助人是快乐之本的意识。思维品质目标,通过语篇对话学习,学生能够根据原因推断出结果,培养严谨的逻辑思维能力和开阔的发散性思维能力。学习能力目标,学生通过听前认真观察预测,听中认真模仿听候,与同伴积极互动交流,培养学生的自主学习、小组合作学习的能力,养成勇敢表达自己观点的习惯。本节课的教学重点是学生能够理解对话大意,能够按照正确的语音语调及一群朗读对话,能够在情境中运用 can you Blah yes, i can no i cant 进行交际。本节课有如下 3 个教学难点,一、学生能准确区分 sum 和 any 的用法。二、掌握wonderful, no problem 的正确发音,即准确运用这两个词组表达赞扬和安慰。

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3、在真实情境下,准确运用核心句型,询问对方是否会做某事,即根据实际情况作出回答。我们来看教学策略,一、以参加 talent show 为主线,为语言输出,创设真实情境。二、通过小组合作学习,突破本课时重难点,并以此培养学生的自主性和独立性。

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3、通过创编 chant 猜测神秘嘉宾等方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学习积极性。评价方法本节课坚持以评促学、以评促教,将主体多元、方式多样的评价贯穿于整堂课,具体采取了以下四种评价方式,1、简单好操作的口头评价,如 good great, good job 等老师课堂时经常都会用到的评价语言,帮助学生树立学习自信心。有针对性的具体评价 your pronunciation is so good。

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i love your dialogue wow, its a special idea。

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以此及时反馈学生的学习效果。三是让学生都参与的声声互评,引导学生成为评价的设计者、参与者和合作者。贯穿整节课的主线评价,结合本课的主线,教师在课堂一时就告诉孩子们,手里的邀请函上最少要得到 6 个 sticker 方可参加 talent show,以此培养学生自主学习能力。而每个 sticker 上都印有与本单元话题相关的词汇图片,对学生在课堂交际中会起到辅助作用,也为接下来 lets learn 中词汇的学习做好铺垫。教学过程。

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I will explain the teaching process of the lesson from warm up, presentation, practice and extension. First, let's look at warm up. There are 3 activities in warm up. One, we review part a and the verbs Learned by a game, playing the piano. Now let's watch the video about the game. Look at the picture.

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What's this? What's this? Okay. Yes, please. It's the piano. Yes. It's a beautiful piano. Yes, yes. Can you play the piano? No, I can't. I don't. No.

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Problem. I can't play the piano either. Can you play the piano? No, you can't. No problem. I can't play the piano either. Follow me. No problem. No, brother. Yes. Okay. Now let's have a try to play the piano together. Okay. Okay. I try to play the piano. You try to read the words and phrases loudly and correctly. Okay. Away. What's wrong? Oh, sorry. Really? It's too beautiful. Cool. Funny. Cook. Please. Yes. Draw hands.

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Draw pictures. Draw pieces. You please. Draw pizza pictures. Dance. Run. See you later. Great. The door is.

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Wonderful. 2. I interact with the students by chant to review. What can you do? I can. Blah, blah. Let's watch the video together.

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What can you do? Attention. What can you do? Draw.

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Wonderful. Yes. I want to enjoy your work after class.

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Sit down. Ready? Go. What can you do? And did you? Boy, I can.

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Can you sing songs? Can you speak English? I hear. Can speaking? Yes. Clap your hands. Sit down. Ready? Go. What can you do? What can you do? Cartoons.

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Draw cartoons? Yes. Okay, good. 3 are leading. Let's try from the questions. What can Mike do? Can Mike do any kungfu? Then complete the listening exercise. The design purposes of these activities are to stimulate interest in learning, consolidate knowledge already Learned, and leading new lesson.

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Presentation. There are 3 stands in it. One, look and say, by observing the picture of the text, the teacher discuss with the students to predict the content of the text.

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2. Watch the video and answer the questions. What will they do today? Can Oliver do any comfort? The purpose is to let the students perceive and understand the content of the dialogue.

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3. Read the text first. Let the students imitate the correct pronunciation and intonation. The students master the correct pronunciation of wonderful and no problem by leading rating and reading one by one. Then throw the guidance. Let the students conclude some rice and distinguish the usage of sam and Annie. They can apply the. 2 words proficiently.

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3Rd, let the students grasp the text by reading in rows and apply the topic sentences. Incorrect situation. Practice one. Practice the topic sentences by using a dial. Now let's look at the dial. Look. If the pointer points to this picture, the students can ask, can you play football? If the pointer points to this blank, the students can use the topic sentences to ask any questions. Now let's watch the video.

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Can you play the pipa? No, I can't. No, it's difficult. Okay, please sit down. You can sit down. Yes, please pass. Can you play.

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Ark? Yes. No, I can. Okay, great. It's difficult. Yes, you ask. Okay, now. Oh, no. Oh, it's, oh, yes, I can. Wonderful. Great. Touch your hands. Okay.

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2 sticker for you. 2 teacher.

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2. The students apply the topic sentences to communicate combining the real life. First, let the students apply, can you blah blah to guess. What can the teacher do? The purpose is to appear the dialogue. Then the students practice a dialogue basic on this through the above 2 parts of exercise. The 3rd teaching difficulty is easy, solved.

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Today we'll sing English songs. Cool. Can you sing English songs? Yes, I can. Can you sing English songs? Yes, I can. You sing English songs? Yes, I. Wonderful. Let's sing English songs together. Good morning. Today we'll learn. Today we'll make a puppet. Cool. Cool. Can you make a puppet? No, I can't. Can you make a puppet? No, I can. You make a puppet? No, I can't. No problem. I can help you.

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So great. Extension. In this part, let the students apply these sentences to guests. Who is a secret guest in the talent show, according to it, achieve the personal expansion and the topic sentences.

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